IPC - Inspection Policy Committee

Terms of Reference

 1.    The IPC is a strategic committee that receives tasks from and reports to the Board of Directors (BoD) to which it shall provide summary executive reports and proposals.

2.    The IPC is not an open forum, and the members of the IPC shall be appointed by ETICS Members. Only appointed members have the right to attend the meetings. However, if an appointed member is unable to attend, it is up to the ETICS Member to appoint another person as replacement, once or permanently. 
3.    If needed, the IPC may ask for the support of any relevant ETICS Member about external knowledge on a specific topic. 
4.    The IPC exercises its powers and carries out its duties with objective judgment and impartiality in the best interests of the ETICS, CIG, ENEC and CCA Signatories. 
5.    The IPC supervises and handles matters relating to the operation and technical aspects of the CIG inspection Scheme such as, but not limited to:
a.    The development of the CIG inspection Scheme within ETICS or other certification Schemes and expansion for a worldwide acceptance.
b.    Maintenance and development of the operational and technical procedures.
c.     Providing expert advice as requested by the BoD on all aspects of Factory Inspection practices.
d.    Providing lecturers on workshops and seminars to promote the value of third-party Factory Inspection as a stand-alone service or as part of the relevant ETICS Schemes. 
6.    The Chair and the Secretary of the OSM-FIP (Operational Staff Meeting for Factory Inspection Procedures), at their convenience and availability, are invited on a permanent basis to participate in the IPC meetings. 
7.    The IPC can establish Task Forces and Working Groups. 
Thomas Bilz
VDE Prüf- und Zertifizierungsinstitut GmbH
Offenbach am Main DE
Miroslav Sedlacek
Elektrotechnický zkušební ústav, s.p.
Praha CZ
Thomas Bilz
VDE Prüf- und Zertifizierungsinstitut GmbH
Offenbach am Main DE
Johnny Jensen
UL International Demko A/S
Ballerup DK
Ulla-Pia Johansson
Intertek Semko AB
Kista SE
Soydan Ceran
Türk Standardlari Enstitüsü
Ankara TR
Armando Lopes
CERTIF Associação para a Certificação
Almada PT
Massimiliano Triulzi
DEKRA Certification BV
Arnhem NL
Thomas Neumayer
Austrian Electrotechnical Association Testing & Certification
Vienna AT
Miroslav Sedlacek
Elektrotechnický zkušební ústav, s.p.
Praha CZ
Roald Goossens
SGS Belgium NV - Division SGS-CEBEC
Brussels BE
Giorgio Belussi
Milano IT
Asgeir Holt
Nemko Group AS
Oslo NO
Rainer Boecker
TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH
München DE