Terms of Reference

The "Operational Staff Meeting for Batteries”: (OSM-BAT) is responsible for:
1.  Providing specialist advice in the area of electronic equipment
-     Batteries (product category BATT)
2.  Agreeing upon common understanding and application of standards covering the area indicated above.
3.  Clarifying testing practices and methods.
4.  Proposing amendments to existing standards or provisional test schedules to the relevant Technical Committees or reporting to Secretariats of CENELEC TC21 and TC35.
5.  Strengthening technical cooperation for the benefit of manufacturers.
6.  Liaising with and providing support to other OSMs with respect to relevant issues.
7.  Laising with IECEE/CTL Expert Task Forces CTL-ETF13 “BATT”, with respect to relevant issues, with the task of a routine exchange of views on interpretations.
8.  Reviewing of the relevant IECEE/CTL Decisions, with respect to relevant issues, for incorporation into the OSM Decisions Lists.
Ted Drost
DEKRA Certification BV
Arnhem NL
Patrick Schrooten
Secretary acting
Brussels Belgium
Johny Jonsson
Intertek Semko AB
Kista SE
Silvio Piras
SGS Belgium NV - Division SGS-CEBEC
Brussels BE
Tibor Kokelj
Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology
Ljubljana SI
Laszlo Fulep
TÜV Rheinland InterCert Kft., Division MEEI
Budapest HU
Laurent Spendel
Bureau Veritas LCIE
Fontenay-aux-Roses FR
Clemens Padel
Eurofins Electric & Electronic Product Testing AG
Fehraltorf CH
Patrick Schrooten
Brussels Belgium
Knut Boettcher
TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH
München DE
Thijs van Zanten
DEKRA Certification BV
Arnhem NL
Ted Drost
DEKRA Certification BV
Arnhem NL
Giorgio Belussi
Milano IT
Bence Nagy
TÜV Rheinland InterCert Kft., Division MEEI
Budapest HU
Mikko Valimaki
SGS Fimko Ltd.
Helsinki FI